Ghost Gear

Ghost Gear is any discarded, lost, or abandoned, fishing gear in the marine environment

This gear continues to fish and trap animals, entangle and potentially kill marine life, smother habitat, and act as a hazard to navigation. 

In 2021, Titan Maritime received funding from Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans for Ghost Gear retrieval. In just one season we removed approximately 37 tons of 'Ghost Gear' from the waters around Nova Scotia.  We are proud of what we accomplished in but we barely took a drop out of the bucket.  We are encouraging others to voice their concerns with their local governments - this project MUST be ongoing.  There is an unlimited amount of lost or discarded fishing gear that is creating an insurmountable hazard for marine life. 

If you know of an area in Atlantic Canada that has a high amount of netting, lines, ropes, traps please let us know.

(902) 703-4040

Or visit: 

Government of Canada  DFO Ghost Gear 

Titan Maritime loading  and unloading Ghost Gear, Nov , 2021

We are members of the Global Ghost Gear Initiative.  To learn more about the harmful effects of Ghost Gear please visit:

Slide Show for 2023 Boat Show